Visual Analysis of Scientific Publications

Visual Analysis of Scientific Publications|


Visual Analysis of Scientific Publications


ViSciPub is a research project by the Szhenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (China), the Technical University Vienna (Austria) and the dwh GmbH - Simulation Services and Technical Solutions (Austria). The set out goal is to develop novel methods for the visual analysis and communication of large bodies of scientific literature.

Focusing on keywords, abstracts, and full-texts, we hope to create…

  1. novel workflows and interfaces that help users to more efficiently and effectively clean the data,
  2. innovative visual analysis tools that allow users to explore and understand the data, and
  3. novel methods for summarizing large bodies of scientific publications into interactive and static representations, for its communication to a larger audience.

If you are interested in our research and want to get in contact, feel free to contact us!


This project is partially funded by the:

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October 11, 2020 · 0 minute read

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